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Advocacy has been and will continue to be the backbone of Historic Preservation policy and planning. In tandem with our personal interests, Vagabond Group Consulting provides professional services to organizations in order to achieve public policy objectives in the City of Miami and beyond.

Public Policy Issues

  • Preservation of the Historic Tax Credit (Federal): The 20 percent historic tax credit (HTC) survived the most significant rewrite of the tax code in more than 30 years. Congress confirmed that incentivizing the rehabilitation of our historic buildings makes good economic sense. The most recent information can be found on the National Trust for Historic Preservation website.

  • Transfer of Density Development Rights (City of Miami): Avra Jain was an instrumental stakeholder consulted during the TDD public policy outreach period. She spoke in favor of the program during the City of Miami's February 2018 Historic and Environmental Preservation Board meeting. More details on the legislation specifics are forthcoming.

  • Affordable Housing and Historic Preservation: With the completion of two scattered sites in the Little Haiti neighborhood, including Superior Apts, we believe that the retention of historic resources through rehabilitation to affordable housing is a necessary component to sustainable development. A thirty-year public-private affordable housing partnership with the Omni CRA utilizes another funding mechanism to ensure quality affordable housing in Miami through rehabilitation of historic buildings. It maintains roots in our historic neighborhoods and we will continue to advocate for its inclusion as a policy objective in meetings with municipalities, CRAs, Miami-Dade County programs, and non-profit partners.


  • Restoring Neon on Biscayne Boulevard: Our Public Spaces Challenge idea will help invigorate the boulevard, providing an authentic experience from 50th Street to 77th Street along the Biscayne Boulevard corridor. Interconnected monument signage will help to revive the corridor economically, providing a uniting identity to the district while encouraging walkability and exploration of these glowing artistic expressions. By providing a cohesive identity, the project will utilize sustainable practices of restoration, hire local artists to complete the work, and encourage community involvement.

Community Involvement